- Issue created by @kenwest
- Merge request !17Add '#empty_option' to all sub-elements of 'podcast:payments' → (Merged) created by kenwest
Want to create/edit a view with no podcast:payments elements. But when I edit the RSS Feed settings, I see that these elements (Value Type, Value Method, etc) have no '- None -' option.
Install 8.x-1.10. Edit a view created in an earlier version of the module and the RSS Settings won't allow you to set Value Type to '- None -'.
Rss::buildOptionsForm() at line 365 iterates over the $form elements. One of the actions here is to add an '#empty_option' to 'select' and 'select_or_other_select' elements.
The 'podcast:payments' element gets skipped because its '#type' is 'details'. We need to add '#empty_option' to the elements of the 'podcast:payments' element.