- Issue created by @pingwin_cracow
- 🇵🇱Poland grzegorz.bartman
-Proposed "solution" after testing and internal discussion: remove the language select option from the installation process (in DrupaLCMS lang switcher is also removed)
- 🇵🇱Poland damian.skiba
damian.skiba → changed the visibility of the branch 3502861-fix-PL-language to hidden.
- 🇵🇱Poland damian.skiba
damian.skiba → changed the visibility of the branch 3502861-fix-PL-language to active.
- 🇵🇱Poland damian.skiba
damian.skiba → changed the visibility of the branch 3502861-fix-PL-language to hidden.
damian.skiba →
committed b7c3f6f6 on 5.0.x
Issue #3502861: Remove Language Selector
damian.skiba →
committed b7c3f6f6 on 5.0.x
- 🇵🇱Poland damian.skiba
I have removed the language selection from the installer. A language other than English can be added after installing Drupal