- Issue created by @pfrenssen
At the moment entity fields can be exposed, but any fields shared with multiple bundles will always be exposed for all enabled bundles that have the field. It would be better if the site builder can choose for each bundle individually which fields to expose.
We have to solve a UX issue to make this possible. The current form to choose which fields to expose is already huge and would become completely unmanagable if the long list of fields would get duplicated dozens of times.
Probably it would be a good idea to move the field selection out of the GraphQL server form, and into the Field UI. We can add a new tab alongside "Manage display" and "Manage form display" which secondary tabs for each GraphQL server that uses GraphQL Core Schema. Then the site builder can manage the fields in a familiar way, and the form will be much more manageable since it will only show the fields that belong to a single bundle.
User interface