Integration with Facets 3.0

Created on 24 January 2025, about 1 month ago


Currently Tagify's Facets submodule does not work with Facets 3.0, which is using Better Exposed Filters as the exposed filter instead of the previous indigenous solution.

With Facets 3.0.0 and Better Exposed Filters 7.0.4 Tagify throws two warnings and one error on a Drupal 10.4 platform.

Warning: Undefined array key "#target_type" in Drupal\tagify\Plugin\better_exposed_filters\filter\Tagify->exposedFormAlter() (line 63 of /.../web/modules/contrib/tagify/src/Plugin/better_exposed_filters/filter/Tagify.php)

Warning: Undefined array key "#tags" in Drupal\tagify\Plugin\better_exposed_filters\filter\Tagify->exposedFormAlter() (line 64 of /.../web/modules/contrib/tagify/src/Plugin/better_exposed_filters/filter/Tagify.php)

InvalidArgumentException: Missing required #target_type parameter. in Drupal\tagify\Element\EntityAutocompleteTagify::processEntityAutocompleteTagify() (line 122 of /.../web/modules/contrib/tagify/src/Element/EntityAutocompleteTagify.php).

Steps to reproduce

Drupal 10.4 platform with modules Facets v. 3.0.0, BEF 7.0, Tagify and Tagify facets 1.2.30 enabled throws an ajax error in views and the additional errors on saving the view.

Remaining tasks

This is probably a feature request, based on to the significant changes introduced with Facets 3 in its dealing with AJAX and perhaps also the new BEF 7.0.

Feature request






Created by

🇮🇪Ireland marksmith

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