Continuous jobs to monitor for content updates

Created on 22 January 2025, about 2 months ago


There are continuous jobs to translate new content, but I can find no features that will automatically translate changes to nodes that are made by content editors.

Steps to reproduce

Create a continuous job linked to a content type, ie. Basic Page.
Create a new basic page.
Run cron.
The new basic page node will be automatically translated since I have configured the provider to not need review.
Edit the node to make text changes and save.
Run cron.
I would like the translated node to reflect the updates. Content is changing frequently, so it is not efficient for the translator continuous job service to work only one time when a node is initially created.

Feature request






Created by

🇺🇸United States ethomas08 SF Bay Area

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Comments & Activities

  • Issue created by @ethomas08
  • 🇨🇭Switzerland berdir Switzerland

    A translator like tmgmt_microsoft doesn't decide what content is meant to be translated, tmgmt_does that. tmgmt_microsoft just translates what it's asked to.

    But this should work, you'll have to investigate what happens in tmgmt_content_entity_update().

  • 🇺🇸United States ethomas08 SF Bay Area

    Thanks @berdir, very helpful to be pointed to that specific method.

  • Hi @ethomas08,

    I also recently wondered why it doesn't work as intended and discovered that you need to mark translation as outdated (while editing source content). Translations can be marked as “outdated” by selecting the Flag other translations as outdated checkbox in the Content Editor view and saving.

    It's funny but this is not mentioned anywhere but in some 3rd party company docs (and in TMGMT source code of course) :)

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