- Issue created by @Steven Snedker
Sometimes your ads are mp4. There's currently no easy or well documented way to upload them.
In config (/admin/config/simpleads/advertisement/fields)
Create a new field, a file upload, called SimpleAds Video. It'll get the machine name field_simpleads_video.
Make sure you can use it to upload mp4, webm or whatever you need.
In your .theme-file (something like /themes/custom/vertikal_theme/vertikal_theme.theme)
Add a correctly named preprocess function. The code below will also fit in well in a custom module.
use Drupal\file\Entity\File;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
* Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for simpleads-image.html.twig.
function vertikal_theme_preprocess_simpleads_image(&$variables) {
if (!empty($variables['entity']->field_simpleads_video->target_id) && is_numeric($variables['entity']->field_simpleads_video->target_id)) {
$file = File::load($variables['entity']->field_simpleads_video->target_id);
$variables['options']['video'] = \Drupal::service('file_url_generator')->generateString($file->getFileUri());
Add a correctly named twig-file
Something like /themes/custom/vertikal_theme/templates/simpleads-image.html.twig.
It should look like this:
* @file
* SimpleAds image advertisement template.
{% if options.type == 'image' %}
{% if options.image is not null and options.image is not empty %}
<img src="{{ options.image }}" border="0"{% if options.image_prop.alt is not empty %} alt="{{ options.image_prop.alt }}"{% endif %}{% if options.image_prop.title is not empty %} title="{{ options.image_prop.title }}"{% endif %} />
{% endif %}
{% if options.video is not null and options.video is not empty %}
<video src="{{ options.video }}" border="0" autoplay></video>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
Now, when you add an add at /admin/content/simpleads/add, simply upload a video to the video field and proceed as usual.
Make it part of the official documentation. Or make an Advertisement Type called Video.