- Issue created by @pfrenssen
When I enable the module I am getting errors related to undefined fields for the following query which is used by the Blokkli editor:
query pbEditState(
$entityType: EntityType!
$entityUuid: String!
$langcode: String
) {
state: getParagraphsEditState(
entityType: $entityType
entityUuid: $entityUuid
) {
This returns the following errors:
Cannot query field \"mutations\" on type \"ParagraphsBlokkliEditState\"."
Cannot query field \"currentIndex\" on type \"ParagraphsBlokkliEditState\"."
The Paragraphs Blokkli Edit extension should expose all the fields that are required by the Blokkli Editor.
The error can be worked around by using the GraphQL Core Schema module and enabling the option "Enable value fields" and exposing the fields manually.