- Issue created by @julianriemersma
- Merge request !8Add "masquerade as authenticated" to permission list → (Open) created by Unnamed author
Masquerade by URL doesn't work. Whenever you create a URL to masquerade as any role and then go to that URL you're met with an insufficient permission error, even if all available permissions for the msqrole have been set for every role.
1. Install the msqrole module.
2. Configure the permissions related to the msqrole module such that all permissions are allowed for every available role.
3. Go to /admin/people/masquerade-role and generate a link with any or none of the roles selected (it doesn't matter).
4. Go to that link.
5. You will be met with an insufficient permission error.
To access the /admin/people/masquerade-role/set, the "masquerade as authenticated" permission is required. This permission is not available in the permission list for the msqrole module. My proposed solution is to make add this permission to the list. I've made a merge request containing this fix.
The "masquerade as authenticated" permission is now available in the permission list for the msqrole module.
Needs review