- Issue created by @rahaf albawab
- 🇫🇷France pdureau Paris
Hi Rahaf,
Thanks for using UI Patterns Release Candidate and share your feedbacks.
Can you tell us more? What is the component definition? In which prop do you wnat to send this menu data? How? From a presenter template ? A render element ?
- 🇯🇴Jordan rahaf albawab Amman
Hi @pdureau,
Sure thing! I have a menu template in my custom theme where I called the nav component using @include. Additionally, I have item slots (the menu items' details).
Here is how I called the component.
{% include 'varbase_components:nav' with { utility_classes: [ 'social-media--menu', 'w-fc', 'h-px-32', 'align-items-center', 'gap-20', ], } %}
When I try to render the items in menu.html.twig, the array renders correctly (see "before" image). However, when I use @include to call the nav.twig component, the array gets converted to an indexed array (see "after" image).
Please let me know If you need another Information.
- 🇫🇷France pdureau Paris
I guess we are talking about https://git.drupalcode.org/project/varbase_components/-/blob/2.0.x/compo... :)
You are typing the slot, which is not a thing:
slots: items: type: array name: Items description: Navigation items.
Better to remove it:
slots: items: name: Items description: Navigation items.
Then, what do you send in this slot? I don't see anything explicit here:
{% include 'varbase_components:nav' with {
utility_classes: [
} %}I am afraid you are sending a menu structure to the slot instead of a renderable.
It is better to use include function, with
with_context = false
and explicit mapping:
{{ include('varbase_components:nav', {
utility_classes: [...]
items: ...,
}, with_context = false) }} - 🇯🇴Jordan rahaf albawab Amman
Hi pdureau,
Many thanks for checking. Yes, I'm sending the items (menu structure) to the items slot in the nav component.
I removed the type array and used the include function with context, but nothing has changed.
- 🇫🇷France pdureau Paris
Yes, I'm sending the items (menu structure) to the items slot in the nav component.
That's the issue. This is not UI Patterns 2 related, but SDC related. The menu structure is not renderable. It is a rigid typed structure you are manipulating instead of just printing:
{% for item in items %} {% set nav_item_classes = [ 'nav-item', item.is_expanded and item.below ? 'dropdown' : '', item.in_active_trail ? 'active', ] %}
So, you have 2 choices:
- keep
a slot and send an already built menu renderable in it - make
a prop following the menu structure, something like that:
type: array items: type: object properties: title: type: string url: type: string format: iri-reference below: type: array items: type: object
- keep