- Issue created by @jimconte
Auto refreshing the token every 90 seconds works well for most implementations.
For enterprise websites with millions of page loads however, refreshing the token is incurring unnecessary Google API charges.
In the ticket where the token refresh was initially introduced, the argument was made that certain JavaScript features were not supported by IE, and therefore could not be used in the solution:
https://www.drupal.org/project/recaptcha_v3/issues/3145790#comment-13678457 β
Both deficiencies are no longer an issue with modern browsers, and the solution can be revisited.
Implement module on enterprise site with millions of page loads.
Token auto-refresh can incur significant costs in monthly charges.
Call grecaptcha.execute only once on form submit. Example:
Discuss whether this is a replacement for existing functionality or an option in module configuration.
Deploying this feature as an alternate option may be a good way to ensure backwards compatibility while providing the new method to site managers for testing.
Alternative implementation option in module configuration?
Alternate script included in page?
Call grecaptcha.execute only on form submit, reducing calls to the Google api.
Configuration changes