- Issue created by @nelslynn
Unable to replicate.
The mail is simply a rendering of the 'Receipt Email' ViewDisplay which can be inspected at:
Yes its not very pretty.
The generation of the two emails is very similar.
The main difference is that for the donor receipt there are 3 'reply types.' One-time, recurring, and pledge, each corresponding to a template that you filled in.
It determines which reply type by first determining if it it recurring. At this point there could be a hangover from a recently fixed bug.
If it fails to determine the reply-type the mail will not be sent.
If it chooses the recurring type and your recurring template is blank you will get a blank email - thn.is is the only scenario I can see that fits your descriptio
If it chooses recurring when it shouldn't that is the hangover and you need to refresh the recurring options in your form, ensuring that none of them is saved with the key 0.