- Issue created by @s_leu
- Merge request !90Issue #3493965: Re-introduce the override for core LB's InlineBlock plugin → (Open) created by s_leu
When creating a content using layout builder in live and adding a block to the layout, then editing its layout in a workspace changing the block and saving its layout again, all is fine. Under normal circumstances, the node can now no longer be edited in the live workspace.
However, if say one changes the logic in EntityWorkspaceConflictConstraintValidator::validate()
such that edits in a live are allowed again if there is a workspace revision, then re-editing the layout again in live will show the workspace revision of the block when editing the the layout and also the block.
The expected behavior would be to not show the very latest revision when re-editing in live but only the latest live revision instead.
On Vanilla Drupal 11.1.x
Expected result: Image from the live layout is displayed.
Actual result: Image from the stage layout is displayed.
Ensure the correct revision is loaded, possibly loading by block ID instead of revision ID as workspaces should automatically determine the correct revision and load that one.