- Issue created by @poker10
- Merge request !11Resolve #3492395 "Emaillogconfigform and errorlogconfigform" β (Merged) created by poker10
- Merge request !12Resolve #3492395 "Emaillogconfigform and errorlogconfigform" β (Closed) created by poker10
poker10 β
committed 4746b936 on 2.0.x
Issue #3492395: EmaillogConfigForm and ErrorlogConfigForm routes are...
poker10 β
committed 4746b936 on 2.0.x
poker10 β
committed c3c45710 on 2.1.x
Issue #3492395: EmaillogConfigForm and ErrorlogConfigForm routes are...
poker10 β
committed c3c45710 on 2.1.x
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.