Created on 2 December 2024, 3 months ago

Thanks for your work on this. Its a great module and I am enjoying it alot.

This is a 2-part feature request. I have been looking for a module that can assign themes to individual nodes, and this is the closest thing I have been able to find. I would like to request a feature that basically allows multiple different dark modes, and allows modes to be assigned to individual nodes by a node author. This would be a great feature for my site building in the future!
1. Allow multiple modes. Instead of just dark mode, several different options could be applied based on the site needs. Users could create multiple modes with indvidual settings. (ex: medium, blue, red, green)

- Allow these multiple modes to assign to an entity as a field type.
- Add the field 'dark mode theme' to a node.
- The node author can choose the mode they want displayed on that node.

Feature request






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