- Issue created by @dsim01
I have a page with 5 carousel, 3 of them are with a different view so it is working fine.
But the 2 others are with the same view and the navigation controls are not working as they should.
I use layout builder to create my block (block type is carousel and the display is EVA: Tiny slider carousel).
My view (Tiny slider carousel) has the same settings than the others views (news carousel, events carousel, etc.)
"items": 3,
"gutter": 12,
"mode": "carousel",
"loop": true,
"center": false,
"nav": false,
"autoplay": false,
"controls": true,
"controlsPosition": "bottom",
"slideBy": 1,
"arrowKeys": true,
"mouseDrag": true,
"speed": 300,
"prevButton": ".view-carousel .tns_button_prev",
"nextButton": ".view-carousel .tns_button_next",
"controlsContainer": ".view-carousel .tns_controls",
"responsive": {
"0": {
"items": 1
"475": {
"items": 1
"768": {
"items": 2
"1200": {
"items": 3
Can you help on this ?