- Issue created by @rudolfbyker
My users need to know when the maintenance starts. I would like them to see it in their own time zone, too. Therefore, duplicating the start time manually in my message is not an option.
Schedule maintenance, with a message. The start time of the maintenance window is not shown in the message.
Allow using tokens like [start_time] or %startTime in the message. This would solve the issue for all users (not just developers).
Refactor the `ScheduledMaintenanceSubscriber` class: Split its methods into smaller methods, which would allow developers to extend the class and override some of the methods. E.g., there could be a `getWarningMessage` method that builds the message. A developer could override this to support tokens.
I'm willing to implement this.
Expand the description below the "message" field to tell the user which tokens are available.