- Issue created by @Agami4
agamich β
committed b5b99a2d on 2.6.x
Issue #3489122: Increase the `z-index` styles for the add/edit group...
agamich β
committed b5b99a2d on 2.6.x
agamich β
committed b5b99a2d on bugfix/3480708-link-states-text-accessibility
Issue #3489122: Increase the `z-index` styles for the add/edit group...
agamich β
committed b5b99a2d on bugfix/3480708-link-states-text-accessibility
agamich β
committed b5b99a2d on bugfix/3480708-revert
Issue #3489122: Increase the `z-index` styles for the add/edit group...
agamich β
committed b5b99a2d on bugfix/3480708-revert
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.