Combining Views: set filter value with Views: Execute query

Created on 20 November 2024, about 2 months ago


I'm trying to figure out how to use "Views: Set filter value" in conjunction with "Views: Execute query". Since they're both Actions, I'm unclear on how to link them together. My sense is that "Views: set filter value" is configured to be used with an Event like "Views: Pre Execute" (since it will accept tokens for the filter ID, which presupposes a tokenized view), but I don't think that will work for my scenario.

Here's what I'm trying to accomplish. The triggering event is "Validate: Form" when a node is being created, and "Entity Form: Build Entity" provides a tokenized version of the submitted values. Then I'm using "Views: Execute Query" to see whether the combination of submitted values conflicts with existing data, and returning a validation error if there is a conflict.

This all works great with contextual filters, but for some values I need to use comparison operators (less than/greater than) that are not available with contextual filters.

Is there a way to insert "Views: Set filter value" into this sequence? Or am I taking the wrong approach?

Thanks for any help you can provide, and thank you for a wonderful set of modules.

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