- Issue created by @camya
Adding a relationship with “Inline Entity Form” is easy, but in my opinion requires too many button clicks at the moment. (The current system is around 4 steps, the new proposed system is around 1 step)
I created a scribble which shows my proposed feature to optimize this. (See attached screenshot)
Use case: "Add Movie"
The user wants to add a “movie” but does not know if it already exists. If the user does't find an existing movie, the user wants to create it. The following steps are required to do this in the current system.
Current system: 4 steps to achieve the goal
New system: 1 step to reach the goal
The idea is to add a search form above the list of attached relationships. This form contains an autocomplete search box and an “Add new” button. (see attached screenshot)
New field: "Autocomplete search" field
New field: "Add new" button
If the user already knows that there is no specific result, he can click directly on the “Add new” button.
I think, this feature will streamline the content creation process with “Inline Entity Form”.
Hope, somebody think, this is a useful feature to implement.
Best, Andreas
Note: Maybe somebody proposed the same feature in the past. I searched of it, but I don't find it in the open issues.
User interface