- Issue created by @Johan den Hollander
I enabled the settings to automatically update a link that gives a 301 redirect.
If enabled, outdated links in content providing a status Moved Permanently (status code 301) are automatically updated to the most recent URL.
The updating of the URL works well for an URL found in a regular body field but it doesn't work for a normal Link field.
Enable the link checker module.
Add a Link field to a simple content type and enable the scanning for broken links for this field.
Also enable the scanning for broken links for the body field
Now add a link that is known to produce a 301 redirect permanently to the link field of a node.
Add the same link to the body field of the same node.
Let the linkchecker detect the links. It will correctly detect the 301 permanent redirect.
Problem: The link in the body field is updated, the link in the Link field is not updated.
The problem is seen on the 2.x and 2.1 versions of the module.
Needs work