- Issue created by @jasonawant
- πΊπΈUnited States jasonawant New Orleans, USA
Closed, see π 'migrate status MIGRATION' loads every migration Needs review
When using the migrate:status drush command without specific migration IDs, MigrateToolsCommands::migrationsList() utilizes the MigrationPluginManager to instantiate all plugins as seen here
if (empty($migration_ids)) {
// Get all migrations.
$plugins = $manager->createInstances([]);
$matched_migrations = $plugins;
Why would this be useful?
Wouldn't it be more direct to use something like (e.g. using dependency injection) the following to all available migrations?
$migrations = \Drupal::EntityTypeManager()->getStorage('migration')->loadMultiple();
$migration_ids = implode(',', array_keys($migrations));
Closed, see π 'migrate status MIGRATION' loads every migration Needs review