- Issue created by @jennypanighetti
I recently updated my kit and settings, and now I no longer see any previews of the icons when typing in the Fontawesome field type (not the picker widget sub-module).
This is because if I do not have any "use_[xxx]_file" settings selected, they all return null in the autocomplete.
However, the field instructions say "By default, Font Awesome loads all of the icons." But that doesn't seem to be the case for the admin side.
With all of those boxes unchecked, this line always returns null/empty, so the $activeFiles array of arrays are all false/empty.
$activeFiles[$settingName] = is_null($configuration_settings->get($settingName)) === TRUE ? TRUE : $configuration_settings->get($settingName);
Once I select a file, the autocomplete starts working, but the icons themselves aren't visible anymore.
Proposed Resolution:
If no files are checked, then all files should be considered checked. Either that or update the help text because the current "loads all icons" is wrong.
User interface