How to add image overlay

Created on 31 October 2024, 4 months ago

I am trying to place an image (png or jpg) over an OSM map.

I have already created a module for this and it works. The OSM map is loaded, but I can't get the image to be placed over the corresponding location. (It covers an area of approx. 120x120m).

The only thing I managed to do is to tile the image, which is of course wrong.
I tried it with url, imageUrl, imageBounds and so on.

Here is the code I use in the module

 * Implements hook_leaflet_map_info().
function gstan_overlay_leaflet_map_info() {
  $default_settings = [
    'center' => [00.0000, 00.0000],
    'zoom' => 19,
    'dragging' => TRUE,
    'touchZoom' => TRUE,
    'scrollWheelZoom' => TRUE,
    'doubleClickZoom' => TRUE,
    'zoomControl' => FALSE,
    'attributionControl' => FALSE,
    'trackResize' => TRUE,
    'fadeAnimation' => TRUE,
    'zoomAnimation' => TRUE,
    'closePopupOnClick' => TRUE,

  // Attribute for OSM tiles
  $attr_osm = '© OpenStreetMap contributors';

  $map_info = [];

  // Add base layer with OpenStreetMap
  $map_info['osm-with-image-overlay'] = [
    'label' => 'OSM with Image Overlay',
    'description' => t('A base OSM layer with an additional image overlay.'),
    'settings' => $default_settings,
    'layers' => [
      // Base layer
      'base' => [
        'urlTemplate' => 'https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
        'options' => [
          'attribution' => $attr_osm,
          'maxZoom' => 20,
        'layer_type' => 'base',
      // Image overlay layer
      'image_overlay' => [
        'urlTemplate' => '/sites/default/files/mapover.png',
        'bounds' => [[00.0000, 00.0000], [00.0000, 00.0000]],
        'options' => [
          'opacity' => 0.5,
          'maxZoom' => 20,
        'layer_type' => 'overlay',

  return $map_info;

(coordinates removed)

Is it somehow possible to place the picture over the map?

Alternatively, it would also be sufficient if only the image is displayed, but not the OSM (but I need the coordinates)

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🇸🇪Sweden markusdala Dalarna

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