Fields in third level of dependency didn't update after ajax request

Created on 30 October 2024, 4 months ago


Steps to reproduce

Create 3 remote fields, A, B, and C.
Field C will change when field B changes.
Field B will change when field A changes.
Let's suppose that all of them are remote select fields.
If I change the select A, the field B should update, this scenario already works.
Also, field C should be updated since it depends on field B which has changed.
The field C actual is updated on the backend, but the Webform handler is not adding the Ajax command to update the field C.

Proposed resolution

Update the WebformRemoteFieldsHandler at ajaxCallback to trigger the command replacement for dependent fields.

Remaining tasks

  • Create unit test for the error
  • Create a webform as an example using this particular scenario.
🐛 Bug report






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