Body fields not being updated in some scenarios

Created on 28 October 2024, about 2 months ago

We have come across some odd and inconsistent behaviour when FEE it does not appear to update the Body field of some nodes.

It is rather subtle and even more strangely, it only applies to certain content types.

Here is what we are seeing...

Attempt to edit through the front end making a trivial change to the text in the Body field such as applying bold via the CKEditor toolbar.

We see two clear node update confirmation messages....

From the Watchdog...

These messages are NOT erroneous because we have tried making a similar small adjustment to another, different rich text field a those edits ARE getting through — so the node IS being updated, just not the Body field!

Other modules' involvement?

In this second screenshot, you can also see some ECA actions (2 and 3) being performed and at first we thought it might be connected so we disabled the ECA action that targets the Tutorial content type but that had no effect - still no success in FEE editing.

Likewise, we also had a line or two of custom hook also processing updates on the Tutorial content type so we disabled that too but again, it had no effect - still no success in FEE editing.

  1. There is nothing else relevant in the Watchdog.
  2. There is nothing in the JavaScript Console.
  3. There are no other PHP messages from the local stack that may not have made it through Drupal.

Now of course we're not expecting anyone to be able to debug this given only those illustrations but we would be interested in anyone's ideas as to what exactly to check next in order to try to get to the bottom of this oddity?

Other points of note

  1. We never have any trouble with Paragraph within the same nodes, it's just Body field of the node itself that is the problem.
  2. We can also confirm that editing the node through the conventional backend works fine.
  3. We can edit the multiple other node type nodes through the FEE front perfectly successfully; it seem as though the issue is limited particular content types — 6 in fact — but we cannot see any obvious pattern.

Clearly, the experiments suggests that it is something specific about the Body field on the offending node types but there really isn't any obvious difference - it's the same (reused) field with the same configuration settings.

Putting the time in

We have been quite involved in feedback on this module over the last year or so because we are keen to champion its use and so if it's useful to the core maintainers we would be happy to DM and link up on a call and thrash it out - we just wanted to start the dialogue today in case we are missing something really obvious.

Technical details

Drupal 10.3.6
Apache/2.4.33 (Win64) OpenSSL/1.0.2u mod_fcgid/2.3.9 PHP/8.3.1
PHP 8.3.7, memory limit: 256M
MySQL 5.7.24
PHP Caching module: OpCache
Front end theme
A custom subtheme Bootstrap5 (Bootstrap5 3.0.10)
FEE  module 1.8.2

Thanks all, we hope to be able to help solve this as it may not be particular to us.

🐛 Bug report






Created by

🇬🇧United Kingdom SirClickALot Somerset

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  • Issue created by @SirClickALot
  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom pdjohnson Manchester

    Hi @sirclickalot,

    It is nice to see that you are using Front End Editing to enhance your editor experience. You are amongst many who do so. As with all the modules we release on we try our utmost to develop in a way which brings compatibility with the broadest range of Drupal configurations.

    You are no doubt aware that each set up is different, due to the flexible nature of Drupal and many combinations of contributed and custom modules. Whilst you have taken the time to detail the issue on your specific set up, it is not possible for us to replicate your configuration and therefore reproduce the issue with any degree of confidence it mimics the behaviour.

    We would be more than happy to have a call with you to offer the opportunity to have one of our team set up your system locally and troubleshoot the issue. Due to the specific nature of this work we would need to charge for this work. We are confident this would be the most time and cost effective way for you to reach a positive outcome.

    If this is something that you would like to pursue, you can reach us securely via our contact form this will reach my attention.

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom SirClickALot Somerset

    Thanks @Paul, yes of course I understand business is just that however as a retired teacher working on this project with my undergraduate daughter and living on a teacher's pension that's not going to be possible. I will however crack on and fiddle about to see if I can come up with anything and contribute it back if I do because I'm pretty sure that whatever it is will crop up elsewhere.

    I'll leave this open for now though because as I said in the original...

    Now of course we're not expecting anyone to be able to debug this given only those illustrations but we would be interested in anyone's ideas as to what exactly to check next in order to try to get to the bottom of this oddity?

    ...and see if anyone in the wider community has any thoughts.

    Thanks again.

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