- Issue created by @fathershawn
- Merge request !10Issue #3482779 by fathershawn: EntityHelper::getPersonalizationLabel(): Return... β (Open) created by fathershawn
We are using 4.1.8 but the method throwing the error is unchanged in 4.1.9. I don't know if this is related to an upstream change in core as we recently moved from D10.2 to D10.3 and this error is occurring in content types that use paragraphs, where we make use of the personalization label field feature to identify paragraphs in the Personalization UI.
Save a node with paragraphs in which the personalization label field is empty.
php-error web-44140 [22-Oct-2024 09:56:43 America/New_York] Uncaught PHP Exception TypeError: "Drupal\acquia_perz\EntityHelper::getPersonalizationLabel(): Return value must be of type string, null returned" at /mnt/www/html/mskcc/docroot/modules/contrib/acquia_perz/src/EntityHelper.php line 524
Check for empty values so the null return from getting the value does not clobber the default empty string set at the beginning of the method.