- Issue created by @monaw
- π΅πPhilippines ambot112
Based on code selective_better_exposed_filters/src/Plugin/better_exposed_filters/filter/SelectiveFilterBase.php line 42
if ($filter->isExposed() && ( $filter instanceof TaxonomyIndexTid || $filter instanceof EntityReference || $filter instanceof SearchApiOptions || $filter instanceof Bundle || $filter instanceof VERF || $filter instanceof ListField ) && !($filter instanceof TaxonomyIndexTidDepth) ) {
This means that the `Show only used items` will appear when the filter is exposed, and its source is an EntityReference, SearchApiOptions and etc.
ah thanks @ambot112! i guess this won't work for me then...bummer.
i don't see a way i can close this issue so if someone with that privilege can close it for me, thanks!