Can I programmatically confirm an email address

Created on 19 October 2024, 5 months ago


I wish to code a mechanism to allow users to confirm their email by replying to the confirmation request email.

Is there a way to programmatically confirm an email address?

πŸ’¬ Support request




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πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States somebodysysop

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  • Issue created by @somebodysysop
  • πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ΈSpain manuel.adan 🌌

    Sure, it is explained in the module's main page

    launch an email confirmation in just 1 line

  • Status changed to Fixed 3 days ago
  • πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ΈSpain manuel.adan 🌌
  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States somebodysysop

    I don't believe the question I asked is explained in the module's main page.

    What wanted to build was a mechanism by which a user could confirm his email address by replying to the confirmation email sent by email-confirmer. I was looking for a hook that would allow me to do that.

    I guess I wasn't clear enough in my question. Anyway, I came up with this process:

    1. extract_confirmation_url_from_email($email_body)
    2. extract_uuid_from_url($url)
    3. confirm_email_by_uuid($uuid)

    Here is the code I created to confirm the email address (using the code from the home page) using the uuid extracted from the reply email:

    	 * Confirms an email confirmation entity by UUID.
    	 * This method loads the email confirmation entity based on the UUID provided.
    	 * If the entity is still pending, it marks the confirmation as confirmed, saves it,
    	 * and returns 1 for a successful confirmation. If the entity is not found or 
    	 * is not in a pending state, it returns 0.
    	 * @param string $uuid
    	 *   The UUID of the email confirmation entity.
    	 * @return int
    	 *   Returns 1 if the confirmation is successful, or 0 if the confirmation fails.
    	function confirm_email_by_uuid($uuid) {
    	  // Load the confirmation entity by UUID.
    	  $confirmations = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
    		->loadByProperties(['uuid' => $uuid]);
    	  // Get the first confirmation entity.
    	  $confirmation = reset($confirmations);
    	  if ($confirmation && $confirmation->isPending()) {
    		// Bypass hash and directly mark as confirmed.
    		$confirmation->set('confirmed', EmailConfirmationInterface::CONFIRMED);
    		// Optionally invoke hooks or additional logic.
    		\Drupal::moduleHandler()->invokeAll('email_confirmer', ['confirm', $confirmation]);
    		// Return 1 for successful confirmation.
    		return 1;
    	  } else {
    		// Return 0 for invalid, expired, or not pending confirmation.
    		return 0;

    It's working.

    I am aware that using this mechanism, all someone has to do is forward the email sent by email_confirmer to anyone they wish. But, in my situation, the onus for the results is on the user.

    Anyway, thanks for the response. Better late than never.

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