- Issue created by @datati
When adding a taxonomy relationship in View, the setting of this relationship is not shown in the field section as in other content type.
I have 2 webforms, connected with one another in a field, using taxonomy. I want to display the submission values from these two webforms with the relationship of this taxonomy. Details are
Webform 1: Field 1A, Field 1B, Field 1C
Webform 2: Field 2A, Field 2B, Field 2C
Both Field 1A and Field 1B are using the same taxonomy X.
I create a view (table format) to include Field 1A (Field 2A), Field 1B, Field 1C, Field 2B, Field 2C
Filter criteria: Webform submissions from Webform 1 and Webform 2
Results: Only submissions from Field 1A, Field 1B, Field 1C are shown.
As I am not sure how to achieve this, I then add Relationship Taxonomy X from Webform 2 (Webform 1) and choose Require this relationship. No value is shown. There is no option for me to do the setting for Require this relationship with each individual field. I try with Contextual filter but no success either.
Is there any way that I can achieve this? Thank you.
User interface