Simplify composer.json

Created on 15 October 2024, 4 months ago


Since we recently updated the d.o-Project-node's summary field for the project browser initiative , we should update the description field in composer.json too.

For the sake of maintaining fewer lines of code, we can also remove some fields from composer.json, because the Composer Service (façade) a.k.a. project_composer rewrites the following fields which are currently defined in elasticsearch_connector's composer.json...

  1. type: it will be set to drupal-module because the d.o-Project-node type is project_module
  2. license: it will be set to GPL-2.0-or-later, because all projects hosted on d.o must have this license

For more information, see the following project_composer code: _project_composer_build_component_metadata(), project_composer_get_component_json(), and _project_composer_release_metadata().

Note that project_composer also rewrites the name, but it is one of the few required fields in composer.json, so if someone happens to clone the module, it is nice to have it set, so that Composer doesn't get upset.

Proposed resolution

  1. Update the description field in composer.json
  2. Remove the type, and license fields in composer.json

Remaining tasks

  1. Write a patch
  2. Review and feedback
  3. RTBC and feedback
  4. Commit

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🇨🇦Canada mparker17 UTC-4

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