Proposed Documentation

Created on 15 October 2024, 2 months ago

Current documentation has some scope for improvement

major issue is with documentation of module that says : "After enabling it, you first need to choose the content types this will work with. Goto Structure -> Content Types then edit each that should work with this module. Tick the "Enable publish content" tickbox under the publishing options and save.". This is totally missing in current versions. So a better documentation will help new users.

Proposed documentation

Publish Content module allow site administrators to grant ability to publish/unpublish specific content types depending on roles of users, without giving 'administer content' permissions.

Version 8.x-1.x


  • Global un/publish any content permissions
  • Global un/publish 'editable' content permissions
  • Per "content type" un/publish content permissions
  • Per "user rolewise" un/publish own content permissions
  • Per "user rolewise" un/publish any content permissions
  • Provides "Publish/unpublish" option/checkbox on content editing page
  • Action links or button for one-click un/publishing.
  • Exposes publish/unpublish links to your views, making it easy to streamline workflows for reviewers, editors and publishers.
  • Provides Organic Group permissions allowing group members the specific ability to publish or unpublish content.
  • Provides developer API hooks for programatically allowing or denying publishing access to content for site builders with specific needs

How To Configure

Download & install module as any other Drupal module. Enable it by going to '/admin/modules'.
After enabling, click 'Configure' or goto '/admin/config/workflow/publishcontent'. Check "Publish and unpublish via checkbox" option and save configuration.
There are more options that you may configure as per your requirement. Caption for 'Publish' & 'Unpublish' can also be configured. This will be useful for personal touch or even multilingual.

Then for specific content type, goto 'Structure > Content types > [content type]' or '/admin/structure/types/manage/[content type]'. Under 'Publishing options' unselect 'Published'. This will make every content unpublished unless user specifically selects that option and has permission for the same.

Then go to the Drupal permissions page, and set the various permissions :

  • publish 'any' content : user can publish any content. Blanket permission.
  • publish 'any editable' content : user can only publish specific content that user has permission to edit
  • publish 'content type' wise 'any' content : user can publish any node of this 'content type'
  • publish 'content type' wise 'editable' content : user can publish editable node of this 'content type'
  • publish 'content type' wise 'own' content : user can publish own node of this 'content type'
  • unpublish 'any' content : user can unpublish any content. Blanket permission.
  • unpublish 'any editable' content : user can only unpublish specific content that user has permission to edit
  • unpublish 'content type' wise 'any' content : user can unpublish any node of this 'content type'
  • unpublish 'content type' wise 'editable' content : user can unpublish editable node of this 'content type'
  • unpublish 'content type' wise 'own' content : user can unpublish own node of this 'content type'

Permissions for editing specific content type can be set by Drupal's core permissions. "Publish Content" provides granular permissions for un/publishing of content by content type & roles.

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Created by

🇮🇳India vinaysamant Kudal, Maharashtra

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