Is this module not maintained?

Created on 8 October 2024, 4 months ago


Is this module not maintained anymore?

💬 Support request






Created by

🇵🇰Pakistan ugintl

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  • Issue created by @ugintl
  • 🇦🇹Austria agoradesign

    Why do you think so?

    It's kinda minimally maintained. We still use it on 2 projects currently, where one of them is a quite important one for us. eg if the first one of these sites is upgraded to D11, we'll take care of the necessary changes.

    In general, help is always welcome. So, if you want to participate in any way, let me know

  • 🇵🇰Pakistan ugintl

    Should I use alpha or dev release?

  • 🇦🇹Austria agoradesign

    the last alpha is pointing to the latest commit, so there's currently no difference between them... so I recommend the tagged release

  • 🇵🇰Pakistan ugintl

    Just a suggestion. If its working fine, why not have a stable release? Alpha release confuses a user whether to use it or not?

    Such a useful module, but still only 100 sites using it. So it makes me think. Interestingly, there is no other module fulfilling this need.

  • 🇦🇹Austria agoradesign

    Convinced :)

    Well, this is one of those modules, that you needed in 1 or 2 customer projects, but isn't used heavily there. You implement it as open-source module, but are just unsure, if it's really that stable that you think it is. Also, you may have some ideas on how to extend it. Provide a block with a nice template for example.

    On one project, I've added a block plugin in a custom module for example. This had some project specific touch, which didn't fit 1:1 into the general contrib module, but you hope to find time to find a generic solution for the contrib module...

    After some years without complaints, you're right that is time to release 1.0.0

    I won't do D11 compatibility check right now. This could be part of a new 2.x branch that uses the semantic versioning syntax (1.x is using the old 8.x-1.x syntax), giving us some theoretical time to add other improvements to that version

  • 🇵🇰Pakistan ugintl

    ok so i ran composer update, but it did not update the version from alpha to 1.0

    Do i have to manually edit the composer.json file in the root?

  • 🇦🇹Austria agoradesign

    Well, that depends of course, what is standing in your composer.json - if you have defined a fixed version constraint to a specific release, than of course, you'll have to change it. If you're using something like ~1.0 or ^1.0, you should be fine.

    there's one thing I've seen and changed now. the 8.x-1.x branch was not marked as "recommended" I did that now - now the "releases" box on the bottom of the project page is green (not yellow anymore). Maybe this also changes the composer behaviour?!

  • 🇵🇰Pakistan ugintl

    Nope, it is not updating. I think it should.

    Anyway, I have manually changed the version to ^1.0 in composer.json.

    I see on the project page, that the version is again changed to alpha. Why is that?

  • 🇦🇹Austria agoradesign

    Project page is ok for me.. maybe your browser cache has fooled you?

  • Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.

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