- Issue created by @lizuka
I needed to implement this form element in a custom form. Available for anonymous users to select and/or create taxonomy terms in the tags vocabulary.
But I struggled setting it up based on the current documentation and other issues available.
Here's the code that ended up working:
$selection_settings = array(
'target_bundles' => array('tags' => 'tags'),
'sort' => array('field' => '_none'),
// Changing this value to 1 didn't enable the #autocreate property
'auto_create' => (BOOL) 0,
'auto_create_bundle' => 'tags',
'match_operator' => 'CONTAINS',
$target_type = 'taxonomy_term';
$selection_handler = 'default:taxonomy_term';
$data = serialize($selection_settings) . $target_type .
$selection_settings_key = Crypt::hmacBase64(
// This is needed so you don't get a 403 error.
// See: https://www.drupal.org/project/autocomplete_deluxe/issues/3307367
$key_value_storage = \Drupal::service('keyvalue')->get('entity_autocomplete');
if (!$key_value_storage->has($selection_settings_key)) {
$key_value_storage->set($selection_settings_key, $selection_settings);
$route_parameters = [
'target_type' => $target_type,
'selection_handler' => $selection_handler,
'selection_settings_key' => $selection_settings_key,
$url = Url::fromRoute(
// ['absolute' => TRUE] didn't work, the base URL was added at the start of the generated URL.
['absolute' => FALSE]
// )->toString(); didn't work.
// See: https://www.drupal.org/project/autocomplete_deluxe/issues/3307367
$form['mots_clefs'] = array(
'#type' => 'autocomplete_deluxe',
'#autocomplete_deluxe_path' => $url,
'#selection_settings' => $selection_settings,
'#multiple' => TRUE,
'#cardinality' => [],
// This is the only way I got the auto_create to work. Based on the original entity_autocomplete form element.
'#autocreate' => [
'bundle' => 'tags',
'uid' => 1,
'#target_type' => $target_type,
'#selection_handler' => $selection_handler,
'#limit' => 10,
'#size' => 60,
'#new_terms' => 1,
'#min_length' => 0,
'#delimiter' => ',',
'#not_found_message_allow' => 0,
'#not_found_message' => "Le mot-clef '@term' sera créé.",
Could this be added in the documentation? After being improved maybe?