- Issue created by @dasjo
I have been asked, how blökkli compares to other Drupal editors
1) Define which editors to compare with
Layout Builder →
- current Drupal core default layout builder
Experience Builder →
- future Drupal core/Drupal CMS/Starshot layout builder
Paragraphs →
- prominent solution for structured content with Drupal (used as backend for blökkli)
Layout Paragraphs →
- layout solution for the Paragraphs module
Gutenberg →
- integration between Drupal and the Wordpress Gutenberg editor
Mercury →
- page builder based on Layout Paragraphs
Solutions that are not free & open-source
* TwelveBricks Visual Editor (SaaS)
DXPR Builder →
Acquia Site Studio →
* Builder.io (SaaS)
Further references:
https://www.drupal.org/docs/extending-drupal/contributed-modules/compari... →