- Issue created by @sbrenner02
- Assigned to darvanen
- 🇦🇺Australia darvanen Sydney, Australia
Wow ok, yeah I have to figure out how the rtl css was triggered way back when it wasn't bundled like it is now, I guess I assumed that css file had some wrapper classes in it!
- Issue was unassigned.
- Status changed to Needs review
4 months ago 1:41am 21 September 2024 - 🇦🇺Australia darvanen Sydney, Australia
I've removed the reference to the rtl css. I can't find evidence of that having been in use for a VERY long time.
Clearly there was intential to support RTL languages at some point, I'm going to open a feature request to revive that.
Setting to 'Needs review'
- 🇦🇺Australia darvanen Sydney, Australia
Alrighty, tests are green, I'd really love a manual confirmation that this fixes the reported issue in the theme you're using.
I pulled down the MR build and refreshed my local files, the issue is still occurring locally for me.
darvanen →
committed 6ef105c7 on 4.x
Issue #3475835 by darvanen, sbrenner02: After updating, collapse icon is...
darvanen →
committed 6ef105c7 on 4.x
- 🇦🇺Australia darvanen Sydney, Australia
That is exceedingly strange, the build CSS no longer contains the 'left' directive:
.collapsiblockTitle button {display: block;width: 100%;padding: 0;cursor: pointer;text-align: left;color: #0071b3;border: none;background: url() no-repeat right} .collapsiblockTitle button:hover {color: #018fe2} div .collapsiblockTitleCollapsed button {background: url() no-repeat right} .collapsiblockContent {overflow: hidden}
Could I ask if you cleared your cache after pulling the MR?
I've committed this so perhaps you could pull the dev version just to confirm you have the right code?
- 🇦🇺Australia darvanen Sydney, Australia
Oh dear, I'm all sorts of messed up today, ignore that commit, I intended it for a different branch.
- edce0983 committed on 4.2.x
Issue #3475835 by darvanen, sbrenner02: After updating, collapse icon is...
- edce0983 committed on 4.2.x
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.