- Issue created by @hockey2112
I set this up today with an Outlook365 (GoDaddy) email address. Emails are sending successfully, but they are being marked with messages like this:
In Gmail, it says "Be careful with this message. The sender hasn't authenticated this message so Gmail can't verify that it actually came from them."
In Outlook365, it says "Unverified. This message may not be sent by the sender that's displayed. If you aren't certain this message is safe, please be cautious when interacting with this email, and avoid clicking on any links or downloading attachments that are on it."
What is causing this, and how can I fix it?
Here are my settings:
SMTP server: smtp.office365.com
SMTP Port: 587
Use encrypted protocol: Use TLS
Enable TLS encryption automatically: On
Timeout: 30
Turn on the SMTP keep alive feature: checked
Authentication username and password are my Outlook365 email address and its associated password.
Email from address: my Outlook365 email address
Email from name: my website name
Allow to send e-mails formatted as HTML: checked
SMTP client settings: both settings are blank