- Issue created by @bojan_dev
- Merge request !8Issue #3470515: Introduce integration with Search API Solr Admin → (Open) created by bojan_dev
- Status changed to Needs review
4 months ago 3:15pm 27 August 2024
I was looking for a module that makes it easy to manage synonyms for clients and also that automatically pushes the synonyms to Solr. I have looked into https://www.drupal.org/project/solr_search_synonym → which does exactly what I need. But after experimenting I discovered that the “managed synonyms” requires a reindex after making changes to the synonyms API. After some further digging I found this issue from the Search API module: https://www.drupal.org/project/search_api_solr/issues/3406860 🐛 Schema export does not work when adding ManagedSynonymGraphFilterFactory filter Closed: cannot reproduce , one of the maintainers addressed the issue as well but also explained that Search API won’t support “managed fields”. So then I decided to look into the “search_api_synonym” module, which only supports exporting synonyms to static files, but there is a feature request being worked on to support integration with Solr API: #2924322: Integration with solr API → . Luckily it’s not yet merged, because this approach is the same as the “solr_search_synonym” module uses, working with “managed synonyms”.
I like to propose a different approach, it involves using the “search_api_solr_admin” module, which is a submodule of “search_api_solr” module and has handy services that can help us out to upload config-set to Solr, which is more in line with Search API. Also this approach won’t require a reindex, because “SynonymGraphFilterFactory” can be only applied on the query analyzer instead of the “ManagedSynonymGraphFilterFactory”.
Needs review