Facets lost on Views Bulk Operations (VBO) Select All

Created on 13 August 2024, 5 months ago

When using Views Bulk Operations you can perform an action on all results across all pages. When using this option facet filters are ignored and it returns a limited list of all results. It looks like it works but the result set is different than it should be which is fairly dangerous as it's hard to spot something's gone wrong.

There has been previous discussion of something similar for Facets 2 here:


And for Facets 3 beta the following patch works which hacks in the "f" param to VBO:

https://www.drupal.org/project/views_bulk_operations/issues/3068807 💬 Way to pass URL query params with VBO action? Active

Is this something that needs to be fixed on Views Bulk Operations or Facets?

Happy to stick with the patch above for a while but this doesn't work with the new exposed filter facets that don't lump everything in "f" (though the patch could be even more hackily amended to do so).

This is only an issue with select all / multiple pages. If you select multiple results in the views table VBO works fine with facets.

Happy to contribute a solution if someone helps point in the right direction. Thanks!

🐛 Bug report






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