- Issue created by @cmcintosh
Users are getting the below error when logging in / trying to access pages throughout the site, not necessarily connected to groups. This started happening after upgrade from Groups 1 to 2.x. Previously i did not have Flexible permissions on this site, but it seems to be a issue with in group's implementation of that.
Drupal\flexible_permissions\CalculatedPermissionsScopeException: The calculator "Drupal\group\Access\IndividualGroupPermissionCalculator" returned permissions for scopes other than "individual". in Drupal\flexible_permissions\ChainPermissionCalculator->calculatePermissions() (line 145 of /code/web/modules/composer/flexible_permissions/src/ChainPermissionCalculator.php).
I marked this as critical as this breaks access to large portions of the site for certain users, but not all users. Its hard to track down why. A good recommendation on how to go about troubleshooting this would be appreciated.