- Issue created by @Anna D
- Status changed to Needs review
6 months ago 11:42am 8 August 2024
Drupal 10.3
Domain 2.0.0-beta1
Domain Access field is visible always doesn't matter chosen behaviour BEHAVIOR_AUTO/BEHAVIOR_USER.
1. Log is as Editor. (any not superuser role)
2. Make sure that editor have permission: "Publish content to any assigned domain" or "Publish to any domain".
3. Create Content type A.
4. Go to /admin/config/domain/entities/node
5. Enable domain entity access. Choose BEHAVIOR_AUTO for the domain access field.
Note: BEHAVIOR_AUTO == Affiliate automatically created entity to a value (no widget on entity creation form, auto-assignation).
6. Open form to create new node of A content type.
Result: domain access field is visible.
Expected Result: domain access field is hidden.
Function domain_entity_entity_field_access returns always neutral or allowed access. But never forbidden.
if ($field_definition->getName() === DomainEntityMapper::FIELD_NAME && $operation == 'edit') {
/** @var \Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig $field_definition */
$behavior = $field_definition->getThirdPartySetting('domain_entity', 'behavior', DomainEntityMapper::BEHAVIOR_AUTO);
$access = AccessResult::allowedIfHasPermission($account, 'set domain access status for all entities');
$access = $access->orIf(AccessResult::allowedIf($behavior == DomainEntityMapper::BEHAVIOR_USER));
// @todo Add remaining conditions.
return $access;
return AccessResult::neutral();
if ($field_definition->getName() === DomainEntityMapper::FIELD_NAME && $operation == 'edit') {
/** @var \Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig $field_definition */
$behavior = $field_definition->getThirdPartySetting('domain_entity', 'behavior', DomainEntityMapper::BEHAVIOR_AUTO);
$access = AccessResult::allowedIfHasPermission($account, 'set domain access status for all entities');
$access = $access->orIf(AccessResult::allowedIf($behavior == DomainEntityMapper::BEHAVIOR_USER));
// @todo Add remaining conditions.
return AccessResult::forbiddenIf(!$access->isAllowed())->addCacheableDependency($field_definition);
return AccessResult::neutral();
note: not sure about mixing allowedIf and forbiddenIf in one OR condition. But tested and it works.
if ($field_definition->getName() === DomainEntityMapper::FIELD_NAME && $operation == 'edit') {
/** @var \Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig $field_definition */
$behavior = $field_definition->getThirdPartySetting('domain_entity', 'behavior', DomainEntityMapper::BEHAVIOR_AUTO);
$access = AccessResult::allowedIfHasPermission($account, 'set domain access status for all entities');
$access = $access->orIf(AccessResult::forbiddenIf($behavior == DomainEntityMapper::BEHAVIOR_AUTO));
// @todo Add remaining conditions.
return $access;
return AccessResult::neutral();
Needs review