Cookies popup is showing every time after closing and opening the browser

Created on 1 August 2024, 5 months ago

Every time a user accepts the cookies and accesses the site, then closes the browser, the cookies popup reappears when they reopen the browser and revisit the site, even though they had already accepted the cookies in the same browser.

This is happening only for anonymous users.

How can I fix this?

I'm using Drupal 9 and module eu_cookie_compliance: "1.24.0"

Attaching eu_cookie_compliance config file:

langcode: en
uuid: f8706fac-a67b-40fb-9988-302110f27443
popup_enabled: true
popup_clicking_confirmation: false
popup_scrolling_confirmation: false
eu_countries: {  }
eu_only: false
eu_only_js: false
popup_position: false
fixed_top_position: true
  value: "<p>This website uses cookies to help us give you the best experience when you visit our website. By continuing to use this website, you consent to our use of these cookies.</p>\r\n"
  format: full_html
  value: ''
  format: full_html
popup_info_template: legacy
popup_agree_button_message: OK
popup_more_info_button_message: 'More info'
mobile_breakpoint: 768
popup_agreed_enabled: false
popup_hide_agreed: false
disagree_button_label: 'No, thanks'
  value: "<h2>Thank you for accepting cookies</h2>\r\n\r\n<p>You can now hide this message or find out more about cookies.</p>\r\n"
  format: full_html
popup_find_more_button_message: 'More info'
popup_hide_button_message: Hide
popup_link: /privacy-statement
popup_link_new_window: true
popup_height: 120
popup_width: 100%
popup_delay: 1000
show_more_info: false
popup_bg_hex: 9B9B9B
popup_text_hex: ffffff
domain: ''
domains_option: 1
domains_list: ''
exclude_paths: "/admin\r\n/admin/*\r\n/batch"
exclude_admin_theme: true
cookie_session: 1
set_cookie_session_zero_on_disagree: 0
cookie_lifetime: 90
use_mobile_message: false
use_bare_css: false
use_olivero_css: false
disagree_do_not_show_popup: false
reload_page: false
reload_options: 0
reload_routes_list: ''
cookie_name: ''
exclude_uid_1: false
better_support_for_screen_readers: false
method: default
disabled_javascripts: ''
automatic_cookies_removal: true
allowed_cookies: ''
consent_storage_method: do_not_store
  value: "<h2>We use cookies on this site to enhance your user experience</h2>\r\n\r\n<p>You have given your consent for us to set cookies.</p>\r\n"
  format: full_html
withdraw_tab_button_label: 'Privacy settings'
withdraw_action_button_label: 'Withdraw consent'
withdraw_enabled: false
withdraw_button_on_info_popup: false
save_preferences_button_label: 'Save preferences'
accept_all_categories_button_label: 'Accept all cookies'
enable_save_preferences_button: true
domain_all_sites: false
settings_tab_enabled: false
containing_element: body
cookie_policy_version: 1.0.0
cookie_value_disagreed: '0'
cookie_value_agreed_show_thank_you: '1'
cookie_value_agreed: '2'
accessibility_focus: false
close_button_action: close_banner
reject_button_label: ''
reject_button_enabled: false
close_button_enabled: false
    - filter.format.full_html
🐛 Bug report






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🇮🇳India arti.singh

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