Show stores owned by owners only when creating products

Created on 30 July 2024, 7 months ago

Describe your bug or feature request.

Show only the stores owned by the owner when the owner add products, or there are a lot of stores there for the owner to select. After searching website, it was said it is solved, but it is the implemented in Drupal Commerce 8.2.39.

If a bug, provide steps to reproduce it from a clean install.

Feature request






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🇨🇳China hongqing

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  • Issue created by @hongqing
  • 🇹🇭Thailand AlfTheCat

    I'm changing this to a bug report as it states in several issues to be fixed.
    However, in my case, when I add the "stores" field to the form display, the whole list of stores is available to select, not just the ones the user has ownership of.

    I have a marketplace-like setup, which means that unauthorized users can add products to other people's shops.

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