- Issue created by @glottus
This is difficult to describe, as it only happens intermittently while testing the proposed solution in https://www.drupal.org/project/eca_vbo/issues/3452900#comment-15699872 π Possible infinite recoursion in action deriver Needs review
I'm developing a simple Model to act upon selected entities (one at a time). I've done this successfully before in the previous version of ECA and ECA_VBO.
Occasionally, modifications to my Model cause the select boxes to disappear from the rendered View, and the View itself seems not to know that the Model exists any more - the message appears indicating that the ECA VBO field added requires a corresponding Model - which was working just previously.
The model is configured with some troubleshooting messages displayed to the screen which correctly print out info about each of the selected rows in the view (webform submissions associated with a source node), when the action is applied.
However, I must be misunderstanding exactly how to access and modify the desired fields in the webform submission, so I keep repeating the following steps, only to find that every so often, the checkboxes are gone and editing the View shows that it no longer recognizes the appropriate Model is still present.