- Issue created by @ovilla
- First commit to issue fork.
Previously I posted an issue in the Lunr search module thinking that there was the problem I have, this is the issue I am referring to:
https://www.drupal.org/project/lunr/issues/3462510 🐛 Indexing does not work from the command line Active
I am posting this new issue to give more context and explain why it is related to this other module, because when I run a feature of the Lunr search module from the command line that is used to index search data, I repeatedly get the following error in watchdog:
Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\BadRequestHttpException: Session has not been set. in Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handle() (line 83 of ./vendor/symfony/http-kernel/HttpKernel.php).
That happened to me on a site where I have installed many modules, at first I thought it was due to some change in Drupal 10 and the new version of Symfony, but I decided to test the Lunr search module in a new installation of Drupal 10.3.1 and there it worked correctly, so I considered that the problem could be due to some hook or event generated by another module and in the site that gave me the error I was disabling modules until I identified that the error stopped occurring by disabling the Password Policy module, I mean the main one, not its submodules.
Therefore, I am posting the issue here because I believe that some functionality of Password Policy is interfering with Lunr search, although I have not yet identified which of the two modules should be fixed.
node js/index.node.js default
(nodejs is required to run this command)The expected result from above command is the following:
Indexing Lunr search default...
Indexed 0 pages for /en/lunr_filters_default.
Indexed 0 pages for /es/lunr_filters_default.
Finished indexing! 🎊
But instead it will just display the following message and log in watchdog the php error I put at the beginning of the issue.
Indexing Lunr search default...
None yet.