Uncaught TypeError: swipers[swiperContainer.id].on is not a function

Created on 19 June 2024, 7 months ago

I have multiple swipers on my homepage. Somehow after the third swiper the upcoming swipers are not working. On my console I get the below error message;

Uncaught TypeError: swipers[swiperContainer.id].on is not a function
    at swiper_formatter.js?v=10.2.7:44:45
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at Object.attach (swiper_formatter.js?v=10.2.7:29:67)
    at drupal.js?v=10.2.7:166:24
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at Drupal.attachBehaviors (drupal.js?v=10.2.7:162:34)
    at drupal.init.js?v=10.2.7:32:12
    at HTMLDocument.listener (drupal.init.js?v=10.2.7:20:7)

Also not sure if this is related but I get the below error in my logs on separate occasions;

Warning: Undefined array key "type" in Drupal\swiper_formatter\Plugin\views\style\SwiperFormatterStyle->render() (line 187 of /home/keratai2/public_html/blabla.com/web/modules/contrib/swiper_formatter/src/Plugin/views/style/SwiperFormatterStyle.php)

I can provide the complete trace message if you like. I didn't want to bloat the post :)

🐛 Bug report






Created by

🇹🇷Turkey rgnyldz

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  • Issue created by @rgnyldz
  • Assigned to abhishek_virasat
  • Merge request !6fix the issue → (Merged) created by abhishek_virasat
  • Issue was unassigned.
  • Status changed to Needs review 7 months ago
  • 🇮🇳India abhishek_virasat

    @RgnYLDZ, i have fixed the issue and created MR . please review it once.

  • 🇹🇷Turkey rgnyldz

    Thank you @abhishek_gupta1 , you are very quick :)

    I believe the Undefined array key "type" error is gone now.

    But the initial issue still exists. I still get the below error after more than 3 swipers on the home page;

    drupal.js?v=10.2.7:64 Uncaught TypeError: swipers[swiperContainer.id].on is not a function
        at swiper_formatter.js?v=10.2.7:44:45
        at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
        at Object.attach (swiper_formatter.js?v=10.2.7:29:67)
        at drupal.js?v=10.2.7:166:24
        at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
        at Drupal.attachBehaviors (drupal.js?v=10.2.7:162:34)
        at drupal.init.js?v=10.2.7:32:12
        at HTMLDocument.listener (drupal.init.js?v=10.2.7:20:7)
  • 🇳🇱Netherlands nk_

    @abhishek_gupta1 thanks, I will definitely include this in the next version.

    1. Are you by chance loading swiper main js in a "strange" way?. Like somewhere in html.twig template or similar and not part of formatter (and views style)
    2. I assume you did try in a few different browsers with a clean cache?
    3. Are all swiper instances made by View, or? some yes some not? can you export the view in yml and share by chance?

  • 🇹🇷Turkey rgnyldz

    hey @nk_ ,

    In this project I only use swiper with views. Nothing in html.html.twig nor page.html.twig (in the past I did some crazy things yes :)

    I'm using swiper from remote on all templates. Is there a preferred swiper version I should use locally?

    Also its not a specific view, its happening for any 4th swiper view. But here is an export for one of them;

    uuid: b9d72b37-75b2-4a7d-ba82-c2153c7d4fd4
    langcode: tr
    status: true
    - field.storage.commerce_product.field_benzer_urunler
    - commerce_product
    - swiper_formatter
    id: urun_liste_moduller
    label: 'Ürün liste (diğer modüller)'
    module: views
    description: ''
    tag: ''
    base_table: commerce_product_field_data
    base_field: product_id
    id: default
    display_title: Default
    display_plugin: default
    position: 0
    title: 'DİĞER MODÜLLER'
    id: field_benzer_urunler
    table: commerce_product__field_benzer_urunler
    field: field_benzer_urunler
    relationship: none
    group_type: group
    admin_label: ''
    plugin_id: field
    label: ''
    exclude: false
    alter_text: false
    text: ''
    make_link: false
    path: ''
    absolute: false
    external: false
    replace_spaces: false
    path_case: none
    trim_whitespace: false
    alt: ''
    rel: ''
    link_class: ''
    prefix: ''
    suffix: ''
    target: ''
    nl2br: false
    max_length: 0
    word_boundary: true
    ellipsis: true
    more_link: false
    more_link_text: ''
    more_link_path: ''
    strip_tags: false
    trim: false
    preserve_tags: ''
    html: false
    element_type: ''
    element_class: ''
    element_label_type: ''
    element_label_class: ''
    element_label_colon: false
    element_wrapper_type: ''
    element_wrapper_class: ''
    element_default_classes: true
    empty: ''
    hide_empty: false
    empty_zero: false
    hide_alter_empty: true
    click_sort_column: target_id
    type: entity_reference_entity_view
    view_mode: card
    group_column: target_id
    group_columns: { }
    group_rows: false
    delta_limit: 0
    delta_offset: 0
    delta_reversed: false
    delta_first_last: false
    multi_type: separator
    separator: ', '
    field_api_classes: false
    type: none
    offset: 0
    items_per_page: 0
    type: basic
    submit_button: Uygula
    reset_button: false
    reset_button_label: Sıfırla
    exposed_sorts_label: 'Sıralama anahtarı'
    expose_sort_order: true
    sort_asc_label: Artan
    sort_desc_label: Azalan
    type: none
    options: { }
    type: tag
    options: { }
    empty: { }
    sorts: { }
    id: product_id
    table: commerce_product_field_data
    field: product_id
    relationship: none
    group_type: group
    admin_label: ''
    entity_type: commerce_product
    entity_field: product_id
    plugin_id: numeric
    default_action: default
    value: all
    title_enable: false
    title: All
    title_enable: false
    title: ''
    default_argument_type: product
    default_argument_options: { }
    base_path: ''
    count: true
    override: false
    items_per_page: 25
    sort_order: asc
    number_of_records: 0
    format: default_summary
    specify_validation: false
    type: none
    fail: 'not found'
    validate_options: { }
    break_phrase: false
    not: false
    id: status
    table: commerce_product_field_data
    field: status
    entity_type: commerce_product
    entity_field: status
    plugin_id: boolean
    value: '1'
    group: 1
    operator: ''
    type: swiper_formatter
    grouping: { }
    swiper: null
    template: vertical_slider
    caption: ''
    type: fields
    type: views_query
    query_comment: ''
    disable_sql_rewrite: false
    distinct: false
    replica: false
    query_tags: { }
    relationships: { }
    css_class: ''
    header: { }
    footer: { }
    display_extenders: { }
    max-age: -1
    - 'languages:language_content'
    - 'languages:language_interface'
    - url
    - 'config:field.storage.commerce_product.field_benzer_urunler'
    id: diger_moduller
    display_title: Block
    display_plugin: block
    position: 1
    metatags: { }
    tokenize: false
    simple_sitemap_display_extender: { }
    block_description: 'Diğer modüller (Ürün)'
    max-age: -1
    - 'languages:language_content'
    - 'languages:language_interface'
    - url
    - 'config:field.storage.commerce_product.field_benzer_urunler'

  • Status changed to Active 7 months ago
  • 🇳🇱Netherlands nk_

    I took a quick look into your export but couldn't find anything like "suspicios". Can you make a screenshots of Development console in browser where we can see html/markup of all swipers on the page?

  • 🇳🇱Netherlands nk_

    Also, you might have more than actual, or valid swipers, in the object containing multiple swipers


    or that is as much as it should be but some are malfunctioning. You could also maybe put


    at the specific place and inspect and/or share here what's there. See screenshot.

  • 🇳🇱Netherlands nk_
  • Pipeline finished with Skipped
    7 months ago
  • 🇳🇱Netherlands nk_
  • 🇳🇱Netherlands nk_
  • 🇹🇷Turkey rgnyldz

    I think I found the reason/clue;

    So I have a product card display for my products. Where the images inside that card are displayed also as a swiper from the field formatter.

    Since the view that is listing my products as swiper is using the card view I presume the swipers inside swipers get confused somehow and we get a swiperception issue :)

    Therefore I believe that the issue is not actually multiple swipers but swipers that has swipers inside them.

    Tho as a note; the first view that has swiperception is working fine. the ones after that are broken.

  • Status changed to Postponed 7 months ago
  • 🇳🇱Netherlands nk_

    Good, so I would like to mark this issue as postponed. In the meantime, I would not be much surprised if things would work in your case as long as every Swiper has unique ID attribute, meaning parent and nested ones. Did you check on that?

  • 🇹🇷Turkey rgnyldz

    All swipers are created from within drupal. I know that views will give them unique id's but I'm not sure how to give them unique ID attributes for image field formatter swipers.

  • 🇳🇱Netherlands nk_

    Image field formatters also generate unique ID. I asked if you can confirm that in your case all have unique ID? Including nested ones? Or some have very the same?

  • Status changed to Fixed 3 months ago
  • Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.

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