- Issue created by @Yassine Ben Smaya
Based on issue #3419110 → , the modal is no longer displayed, and a JavaScript error has reoccurred.
dialog.js?v=10.2.6:29 Uncaught ReferenceError: bootstrap is not defined
at Drupal.behaviors.externalLinkPopup.openDialog (dialog.js?v=10.2.6:29:21)
at HTMLAnchorElement.<anonymous> (dialog.js?v=10.2.6:69:23)
at HTMLBodyElement.dispatch (jquery.min.js?v=3.7.1:2:40035)
at v.handle (jquery.min.js?v=3.7.1:2:38006)
1. Install Drupal 9/10.
2. Install and set
Bootstrap 3 →
as site's default theme.
3. Install
Bootstrap External Link Pop-up →
module and create a test content.(Add random external URL(s) in the content).
4. Once node is saved, access the node and click on the added external URL(s).
It doesn't open the modal.
Make it compatible for both versions(Bootstrap 3.x, Bootstrap 4.x and Bootstrap 5.x).