Gathering Requirements for a Drupal 10 Newsletter Module

Created on 10 June 2024, 18 days ago
Updated 11 June 2024, 17 days ago

Here's how we can break down the requirements and split them into manageable tasks for your Drupal 10 newsletter module:

1. Core functionalities:

  • Subscriber Management:
    • Task 1.1: Allow users to subscribe/unsubscribe to the newsletter through a form.
    • Task 1.2: Store subscriber information securely (email address, name - optional).
    • Task 1.3: Implement double opt-in for confirmation (optional).
  • Newsletter Creation:
    • Task 2.1: Create a content type or interface for building newsletters.
    • Task 2.2: Allow adding content like text, images, and links to the newsletter.
    • Task 2.3: Integrate with existing content types (e.g., embed articles) (optional).
  • Campaign Management:
    • Task 3.1: Define different newsletter lists or segments (optional).
    • Task 3.2: Schedule newsletter delivery for specific times (optional).
    • Task 3.3: Track opens, clicks, and bounces for campaign reports (optional).

2. Additional functionalities (consider based on your needs):

  • Email Design:
    • Task 4.1: Allow customization of email templates for branding.
    • Task 4.2: Integrate with a drag-and-drop editor for easy newsletter building (optional).
  • Integrations:
    • Task 5.1: Integrate with email marketing services like Mailchimp β†’ (optional).
    • Task 5.2: Integrate with user profiles for personalized content (optional).

3. Non-functional requirements:

  • Security: Ensure secure storage of subscriber data (GDPR compliance).
  • Scalability: Design the module to handle a growing subscriber base.
  • User Interface: Develop a user-friendly interface for managing subscribers and campaigns.

Prioritizing Tasks:

  • Start with the core functionalities (Tasks 1.1 - 2) for a basic newsletter system.
  • Add additional features (Tasks 4 & 5) based on your specific needs and complexity.


  • Leverage existing Drupal core functionalities like user management and content creation.
  • Explore existing modules like " Mailchimp β†’ " or "Simplenews" for inspiration or potential integration.
  • We could break down each task further into smaller, more manageable steps for development.

This breakdown provides a starting point for our newsletter module development in Drupal 10.

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πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡³Tunisia Ahmed Aziz ABBASSI

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