Add tabbed navigation, and a 'List' tab showing all debug layers on the page. Elements can be interactively selected or hidden.

Created on 7 June 2024, 9 months ago


Navigating all the instance layers in a point-and-click fashion might be good in most situations, but it is definitely important to grant users a list view experience for dealing with elements underneath elements.

Users should be able to hide layers showing on top of other layers so they can get debug information on elements that are lower on the chain. As an example, region layers tend to be displayed behind other elements, thus making it harder for users to reach them.

The list view provides the tools to empower users to reach each and every template element.

Proposed resolution

The code being developed as a result of this ticket should grant users a tabbed navigation with a List tab. Once clicked, the List tab should display a list of all the template elements on the page.

Each listed element must have two associated on/off checkbox switch:

  • Element selector - By clicking this checkbox, users can select and see details about the associated element.
  • Display/hide - By clicking this checkbox, users can show/hide the associated element, thus granting point-and-click access to elements behind it.

Remaining tasks

  • Create tabbed navigation that is sticky at the top, so users can easily switch from Selected to List.
  • Create a List tab that grants access to the corresponding list of elements.
  • Create a list of all the template elements on the page with corresponding checkboxes for selecting and hiding.
  • Create hover events that will make it clear which is the corresponding page element for the hovered list item, and vice-versa (hovering a debug layer on the screen should visually highlight the corresponding list element).

User interface changes

When complete, this ticket will have added tabbed navigation to the module. The tabbed navigation will deliver more flexibility in aggregating new debug functionality.

Feature request






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🇧🇷Brazil mabho Rio de Janeiro, RJ

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