Created on 1 June 2024, 26 days ago
Updated 6 June 2024, 22 days ago

Can we add a Delete feature (checkbox) to the Report to delete the thousands of spam donations? Also, can we format the dollar amount properly? The best feature would be to be able to modify this view as we can with the other reports/views.

✨ Feature request





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πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States nelslynn

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  • Issue created by @nelslynn
  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States nelslynn
  • I've never seen a spam donation.
    In any case even if it's one cent only, you probably don't want to delete them because you want them to match up with the other records.
    When you view them, it might be better to filter by min amount.

  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States mlncn Minneapolis, MN, USA

    Because Give has the key feature to allow people to register their intent to donate (with amount, name, and e-mail address) before finding their credit card, it is possible to have evident spam to remove at this stage (honeypot can be used here).

    There can also indeed be thousands of actual spam donations, as Stripe pushes the responsibility for identifying mass credit card testing, which they could easily spot, onto small merchants and nonprofits that cannot easily fix this. (A minimum donation of more than $3 does seem to fix this.) Right now it is easier to mass return the transactions in Stripe though than to do the corresponding cleanup in Give.

    It would be nice to make this a view and use core bulk operations or β†’ to do mass deletion.

  • If you want to offer some money I will find time for this.

  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States nelslynn

    I will consider paying for this feature as soon as the module is fixed. Right now, I cannot use this module due to this issue: ✨ One-time donation Active

  • Please state full requirements for the spam deletion.
    What page does it work on, is it a views bulk operation as mlncn suggested, or a cron job acting on certain donations.
    What configuration is required?

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