Configurable/disableable conversion of quotes to guillemets

Created on 31 May 2024, 8 months ago


My understanding is that European Spanish uses guillemets (« ») but Latin American Spanish does not. However, Typogrify automatically converts my quotes to guillemets in Spanish and this does not appear to be configurable. I was hoping it was part of "wrap quotation marks" but it appears instead to be part of Smartypants, which I don't want to turn off!

In #1263794: Is it possible to support russian « » quotes? there's a discussion where participants agree that specific style quotes per language should be configurable rather than automatic, but it seems the maintainer at the time overlooked that part of the discussion and implemented this change as automatic anyway.

Is there a way to configure this that I'm not seeing? If not, please consider this a feature request. Without it I will be forced to disable Smartypants (and thus, essentially, Typogrify) on the site in question and I have never built a Drupal site without Typogrify so this will certainly be a national (international?) tragedy.

Proposed resolution

In an ideal world, this probably should be configurable per-language, but maybe as a simpler stop-gap measure there could just be a Quotes Internationalization on/off setting?

💬 Support request




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🇺🇸United States brightbold Boston, MA

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